Egglib 2.1.11
C++ library reference manual
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CABCModel estimation by Approximate Bayesian Computation
 CAlignHandles a sequence alignment
 CAllMigrationRateChangeChange of the migration rate of all population pairs
 CAllPopulationSizeChangeChange of the size of all populations
 CArgAncestral recombination graph
 CBaseDiversityBase class of diversity classes
 CBottleneckBottleneck event
 CBppDiversityComputes diversity statistics using third-party library Bio++
 CChangePure virtual base class for parameter changes
 CCharMatrixInterface for classes usable as a square matrix of characters
 CConsensusGenerates consensus sequences
 CContainerHandles a set of sequence alignment (aligned or not)
 CControllerControls a coalescent simulation
 CConvertPerforms conversion between sequence holder types
 CCurrentRepresents the current set of populations
 CDataMatrixData table
 CEdgeEdge of the ancestral recombination graph
 CEdgePoolPool of Edge objects
 CEggArgumentValueErrorException type for argument value errors
 CEggExceptionBase exception type for errors occurring in this library
 CEggFormatErrorException type for file/string formatting errors
 CEggInvalidCharacterErrorException type for invalid character
 CEggMemoryErrorException type for memory errors
 CEggOpenFileErrorException type for errors while opening a file
 CEggRuntimeErrorException type for runtime errors
 CEggUnalignedErrorException type for unaligned sequences
 CFastaFasta parser/formatter
 CFStatisticsComputes Fis, Fst and Fit from diploid data
 CGrowthRateChangeChange of the growth rate of all populations
 CHaplotypeDiversityComputes diversity based on haplotype analysis
 CHFStatisticsComputes Fst and Fit from haploid data
 CLinkageDisequilibriumAnalyzes linkage disequilibrium per pair of polymorphic sites
 CMicrosatelliteDiversityAnalyzes microsatellite data
 CMsMs-like sequence format parser
 CMutationVery simple container of some information relative to a mutation
 CMutatorImplements mutation models
 CNucleotideDiversityPerforms analyzes of population genetics
 CParamSetSet of parameters
 CPopulationHandles a single population
 CPopulationBottleneckPopulation-specific bottleneck event
 CPopulationFusionFusion of two populations
 CPopulationGrowthRateChangeChange of a single population's growth rate
 CPopulationParamChangeSingle parameter changes applied to a single population
 CPopulationSplitSplit of a population
 CRandomPseudo-random number generator
 CSelfingRateChangeChange of the selfing rate
 CSingleMigrationRateChangeChange of a single migration rate
 CSingleParamChangePure virtual base class for single parameter changes
 CSinglePopulationSizeChangeChange of a single population size
 CSitePolymorphismImplements diversity analysis at the site level
 CStadenParser of Staden output format

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