
This page describes the installation procedure of EggLib.


EggLib is tested under Python 3.7 and above (up to 3.11). Binary distributions are available for MacOSX (10.9+) and Windows (8 or above).

If you plan to compile EggLib from source, you’ll need the development libraries for your version of Python and the htslib` library with its headers (package libhts-dev from the Ubuntu package manager).

For using any function of the wrappers module, the corresponding program must be found in your system and EggLib should be configured accordingly (see Configuring external applications).

Other requirements are Python packages click and platformdirs for the main package, svgwrite, sphinx and numpydoc for generating the documentation and scipy for running tests. They can all be treated easily by using the package manager pip.


EggLib is on the Python Package Index and can be installed using pip as:

$ pip install egglib --user

The --user flag is not needed in most cases. If the permissions don’t allow you to install EggLib in a system-wide location, it will be installed in local user libraries.

If the pip command is not directly accessible or if you want to install EggLib for a specific (non-default) version of Python (for example, 3.11) you can type:

$ python3.11 -m pip install egglib --user

or, on Windows, using the Python Launcher:

py -3.11 -m pip install egglib --user

You can also:

  • Select a specific version of EggLib (for example, 3.2.0): pip install egglib==3.2.0.

  • Upgrade to the latest version: pip install --upgrade egglib.

  • Remove EggLib: pip uninstall egglib.

To generate the documentation, a set of packages are needed which are not required by default. To install those, specify the doc extra:

$ pip install egglib[doc] --user

Similarly, scipy is needed to run tests. You can either install it yourself or let pip install it (or check it presence) as a dependency of EggLib:

$ pip install egglib[test] --user

Binary packages

Binary packages (binary wheels) are available on pip for MacOSX and Windows under Python 3.11 or above. pip should use the package wheel corresponding to your system. By default, it will attempt to compile EggLib (which is the normal behaviour on Linux).

Download source and binary packages

The source package can be downloaded from pip using:

$ pip download egglib --no-binary :all:

This will download the source package. Letting you access the source code.

To download the binary package corresponding to your system (assuming it is available), you can just type:

$ pip download egglib

Alternatively, all files for the current release are available for download from Older releases are also archived there.

Configuring external applications

If external applications are needed (one is required for every function of the wrappers module), they must be configured. By default, EggLib will assume that the corresponding programs are absent and will not attempt to run them.

Since version 3.2, a companion script in included in the Egglib installation to manage external application paths. To test for the presence of external applications and save the configuration in a user configuration file, issue the following command:

$ egglib-config apps -aLsu
  • Option -a launchs autodetection of applications using default command names for invoking them (e.g. phyml for the PhyML software). If needed, for any application, custom commands can be specified using the -c option and path to executables can be specified using -p. If a command tries by -a doesn’t work, this application will be left unavailable.

  • Option -L displays the result.

  • Option -s saves the configuration to a persistent file such as the new configuration will be used by EggLib after subsequent imports.

  • Option -u specifies that the configuration file will be saved in a user-specific configuration file. By default, the configuration file is located within the EggLib installation and is erased when EggLib is updated and might require administrator rights for writing. If the user-specific file exists, it is used in priority (so -u only needs to be specified when it doesn’t exist yet).

See the manual (egglib-config apps --help) for more information.

It is also possible to perform these operations using helpers of the wrappers module, either permanently or temporarily. For details, see Configuring paths.


Since version 3.2, the test suite is included as a subpackage of EggLib and can be invoked through a companion script named egglib-test. The following command will run all tests and assumes all components (external applications and htslib` for the io.VCF class) are available:

$ egglib-test -a

It is possible to run more limited tests (in particular, skip the wrappers module). See egglib-test --help for more details.