Copyright 2015-2021 Stephane De Mita, Mathieu Siol
This file is part of EggLib.
EggLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
EggLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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from .. import eggwrapper as _eggwrapper
from .. import _interface, alphabets
from .. import _site
alphabet_genotypes = alphabets.Alphabet('range', (0, None), (-1, 0),
case_insensitive=False, name='genotypes')
[docs]def haplotypes_from_align(aln, max_missing=0.0, impute_threshold=0, struct=None, dest=None, multiple=False):
Identification of haplotypes from an alignment.
Identify haplotypes an :class:`.Align` instance and return data as a
single :class:`.Site` instance containing one sample for each sample
of the original data. Alleles in the returned site are representing
all identified haplotypes (or missing data when the haplotypes could
not be derived).
.. note::
There must be at least one site with at least two alleles (overall,
including the outgroup), otherwise the produced site only contains
missing data.
:param aln: an :class:`.Align` instance.
:param impute_threshold: by default, all samples with a least one
occurrence of missing data will be treated as missing data. If
this argument is more than 0, the provided value will be used as
maximum number of missing data. All samples with as many or less
missing data will be processed to determine which extant of
haplotype they might belong (to which they are identical save
for missing data). If there is only one such haplotype, the
corresponding samples will be treated as a repetition of this
haplotype. This option will never allow detecting new
haplotypes. Only small values of this option make sense.
:param struct: a :class:`.Structure` instance defining the samples
to process. The population and cluster structures are not used.
If the ploidy is larger than 1, the individuals are used, and
sites are assumed to be phased.
:param max_missing: maximum relative proportion of missing data in the ingroup
to process a site.
.. note::
Here, *max_missing* is a relative proportion to allow
using the same value for different alignments that might
not have the same number of samples (to avoid reevaluating
*max_missing* if the user wants the same maximum rate
of missing data). In other functions, *max_missing* is
the maximum *number* of missing and is an integer.
:param dest: a :class:`.Site` instance that will be reset and in
which data will be placed. If specified, this function returns
nothing. By default, the function returns a new :class:`.Site`
:param multiple: allow sites with more than two alleles in the
:return: A :class:`.Site` instance, (if *dest* is ``None``) or ``None``
.. note::
If an empty list of sites is provided and no structure is provided,
a :exc:`ValueError` is raised. To support smoothly possibly empty lists,
the used is prompted to provide a structure.
if not isinstance(aln, _interface.Align): raise TypeError('expect an Align instance')
return _haplotypes(aln, max_missing, impute_threshold, struct, dest, multiple)
[docs]def haplotypes_from_sites(sites, impute_threshold=0, struct=None, dest=None, multiple=False):
Identification of haplotypes from a list of sites.
Similar to :meth:`haplotypes_from_align` but takes a list of :class:`.Site`
instances. No option *max_missing* is available; all sites are always considered.
if not isinstance(sites, list): raise TypeError('expect a list of Site instances')
if set(map(type, sites)) != set([_site.Site]): raise TypeError('expect a list of Site instances')
return _haplotypes(sites, 1.0, impute_threshold, struct, dest, multiple)
def _haplotypes(sites, max_missing=0.0, impute_threshold=0, struct=None, dest=None, multiple=False):
# check arguments / init
if max_missing < 0.0 or max_missing > 1.0: raise ValueError('max_missing argument out of range')
if impute_threshold < 0: raise ValueError('invalid value for impute_threshold argument')
obj = _eggwrapper.Haplotypes()
frq = _eggwrapper.FreqHolder()
if struct is None:
if isinstance(sites, _interface.Align):
ni = sites._obj.get_nsam()
if len(sites) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot process an empty list of sites')
ni = sites[0]._obj.get_ns()
struct_obj = _eggwrapper.StructureHolder()
struct_obj.mk_dummy_structure(ni, 1)
struct2_obj = struct_obj # used only with haplotypes_from_align
pl = 1
no = 0
struct_obj = struct._obj
struct2_obj = struct.make_sorted_auxiliary()._obj # used only with haplotypes_from_align
pl = struct_obj.get_ploidy()
ni = struct_obj.num_indiv_ingroup()
no = struct_obj.num_indiv_outgroup()
impute_idx = []
min_exploitable = ni * pl - int(max_missing * pl * ni)
# pass sites if they come from an alignment
genosite = _eggwrapper.Genotypes()
if isinstance(sites, _interface.Align):
if struct_obj.get_req() > sites._obj.get_nsam(): raise ValueError('structure object does not match alignment')
site = _eggwrapper.SiteHolder()
for i in range(sites._obj.get_nsit_all()):
if site.process_align(sites._obj, i, struct_obj) < min_exploitable: # process_align returns number of valid ingroup samples
genosite.process(site, struct2_obj)
nall = frq.frq_ingroup().num_alleles_eff()
if frq.num_alleles() > 1 and (multiple == True or nall < 3):
if impute_threshold > 0: impute_idx.append(i)
if obj.n_sites() == 0:
if dest is None:
return _site.site_from_list([-1 for i in range(ni+no) for j in range(pl)],
alphabet = alphabet_genotypes)
dest.process_list([-1 for i in range(ni+no) for j in range(pl)],
alphabet = alphabet_genotypes, reset=True)
return None
# process list of Site
if len(sites) > 0: ns = sites[0]._obj.get_ns()
for i, site in enumerate(sites):
if site._obj.get_ns() != ns: raise ValueError('number of samples must be consistent between sites')
if frq.frq_ingroup().nseff()+frq.frq_outgroup().nseff() < min_exploitable:
genosite.process(site._obj, struct_obj)
nall = frq.frq_ingroup().num_alleles_eff()
if frq.num_alleles() > 1 and (multiple == True or nall < 3):
if impute_threshold > 0: impute_idx.append(i)
# complete haplotype detection
# impute if requested
if impute_threshold > 0:
for i in impute_idx:
if isinstance(sites, _interface.Align):
site.process_align(sites._obj, i, _eggwrapper.MAX, True)
# generate site
if dest is None:
dest = _site.Site()
dest._alphabet = alphabet_genotypes
return dest
dest._alphabet = alphabet_genotypes