.. _generic: ------------------------- Top level components ------------------------- The top-level ``EggLib`` namespace contains the most useful classes and functions, as well as items that are not specialised to a particular task. They can be grouped in several categories according to the task they are aimed to fulfill: * :ref:`egglib_datasets` * :ref:`egglib_site` * :ref:`egglib_alphabet` * :ref:`egglib_structure` * :ref:`egglib_tree` .. _egglib_datasets: Holding multi-site data ----------------------- The two classes :class:`!Align` and :class:`!Container` (and their helpers) allow to store data sequence data for multiple samples as well as any form of genetic data as long as there can be several data items for multiple samples. .. autosummary:: egglib.Align egglib.Container egglib.SampleView egglib.SequenceView egglib.LabelView egglib.encode .. _egglib_site: Holding single-site data ------------------------ The class :class:`!Site` allows to store any kind of data at a single site. There are three independent functions to create instances of this class. :class:`!Freq` only holds frequencies. .. autosummary:: egglib.Site egglib.site_from_align egglib.site_from_list egglib.site_from_vcf egglib.Freq egglib.freq_from_site egglib.freq_from_list egglib.freq_from_vcf .. _egglib_alphabet: Representing data with alphabets -------------------------------- Alphabets are described in their specific :ref:`module `. The class for creating custom alphabets is available in the top EggLib namespace. .. autosummary:: egglib.Alphabet .. _egglib_structure: Describing sample structure --------------------------- Sample structure is described by a specific class. There are four methods allowing to generate instances. .. autosummary:: egglib.Structure egglib.struct_from_labels egglib.struct_from_samplesizes egglib.struct_from_iterable egglib.struct_from_dict .. _egglib_tree: Trees --------------------------- Trees are described by a specific class, with a companion class representing a particular node of a tree. .. autosummary:: egglib.Tree egglib.Node Module content documentation ---------------------------- .. autoclass:: egglib.Align :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: egglib.Container :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: egglib.SampleView :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.SequenceView :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.LabelView :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.encode :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.Site :members: .. autofunction:: egglib.site_from_align .. autofunction:: egglib.site_from_list .. autofunction:: egglib.site_from_vcf .. autoclass:: egglib.Freq :members: .. autofunction:: egglib.freq_from_site .. autofunction:: egglib.freq_from_list .. autofunction:: egglib.freq_from_vcf .. autoclass:: egglib.Alphabet :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.Structure :members: .. autofunction:: egglib.struct_from_labels .. autofunction:: egglib.struct_from_samplesizes .. autofunction:: egglib.struct_from_iterable .. autofunction:: egglib.struct_from_dict .. autoclass:: egglib.Tree :members: .. autoclass:: egglib.Node :members: