Source code for

    Copyright 2008-2023 Stephane De Mita, Mathieu Siol

    This file is part of EggLib.

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import re, sys, functools
from io import StringIO
from import _seq_manip

[docs]class GenBankFeatureLocation(object): """ Hold the location of a GenBank feature. Supports various forms of location specifications as allowed in the GenBank format. The constructor allows to parse a GenBank-formatted string. By default, features are on the forward strand and segmented features are ranges (not orders). In addition to methods documented below, the following operations are supported for ``loc`` if it is a :class:`.GenBankFeatureLocation` instance: +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |Operation | Result | +================================+=============================================+ |``len(loc)`` | Number of segments | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |``loc[index]`` | Return the ``(first, last)`` :class:`tuple` | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |``for (first, last) in loc:`` | Iterator over segments | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |``params.format()`` | Generate a GenBank representation | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, string=None): self._complement = False # True or False self._range = True # True or False self._type = '' # string of S|R|B|C for Single, Range, Between and Choice self._pos = [] # list of start/stop positions, always in increasing number self._ends = [] # list of boolean tuples (True if the segment is 5'/3' partial) if string!=None: self._parse(string) def __iter__(self): for pos in self._pos: yield pos def __len__(self): return len(self._pos) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._pos[index] def __str__(self): return self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ String representation of the instance. """ if not len(self._pos): raise RuntimeError('cannot format Genbank feature\'s location: no positions were loaded') string = [] for i in range(len(self._pos)): if self._type[i]=='S': string.append(str(self._pos[i][0] + 1)) # the final string will be unicode even on py2 elif self._type[i]=='R' or self._type[i]=='C': item = '' if self._ends[i][0]: item += '<' item += str(self._pos[i][0] + 1) item += '.' if self._type[i]=='R': item +='.' if self._ends[i][1]: item += '>' item += str(self._pos[i][1] + 1) string.append(item) elif self._type[i]=='B': string.append( '%d^%d' %(self._pos[i][0] +1 , self._pos[i][1] +1) ) else: raise RuntimeError('internal error in GenBankFeatureLocation.format()') string = ','.join(string) if len(self._pos)>1: if self._range: string = 'join(%s)' %string else: string = 'order(%s)' %string if self._complement: string = 'complement(%s)' %string return string
[docs] def copy(self): """ Deep copy of the current instance. """ gbfl = GenBankFeatureLocation() gbfl._complement = self._complement gbfl._range = self._range gbfl._type = str(self._type) gbfl._pos = [(i,j) for i,j in self._pos] gbfl._ends = [(i,j) for i,j in self._ends] return gbfl
def _parse(self, string): # process top-level location groups # complement not incompatible with the rest if string[:11]=='complement(': if string[-1]!=')': raise IOError('invalid GenBank feature location: %s' %string) self._complement = True string = string[11:-1] # range or order (only remove it) if string[:5] == 'join(': if string[-1]!=')': raise IOError('invalid GenBank feature location: %s' %string) string = string[5:-1] elif string[:6] == 'order(': if string[-1]!=')': raise IOError('invalid GenBank feature location: %s' %string) self._range = True string = string[6:-1] # extracts the segment(s) segments = string.split(',') for segment in segments: # position formats single = re.match('^(\d+)$', segment) rangeChoice = re.match('^(\<?)(\d+)(\<?)(\.\.?)(\>?)(\d+)(\>?)$', segment) between = re.match('^(\d+)\^(\d+)$', segment) if single: try: pos = int( -1 except ValueError: raise IOError('invalid position in GenBankFeature location: %s' %segment) self.add_single_base(pos) elif rangeChoice: # gets positions try: start = int( -1 stop = int( -1 except ValueError: raise IOError('invalid position in GenBankFeature location: %s' %segment) # gets partial marks Ls = if Ls=='': Lp = False elif Ls=='<': Lp = True else: raise IOError('invalid specification in GenBankFeature location: %s' %segment) Rs = if Rs=='': Rp = False elif Rs=='>': Rp = True else: raise IOError('invalid specification in GenBankFeature location: %s' %segment) # loads appropriate feature if'..': self.add_base_range(start, stop, Lp, Rp) elif'.': self.add_base_choice(start, stop, Lp, Rp) else: raise RuntimeError('error in GenBankFeatureLocation constructor') elif between: try: start = int( -1 stop = int( -1 except ValueError: raise IOError('invalid position in GenBankFeature location: %s' %segment) if stop!=start+1: raise IOError('invalid between-base feature specification: %s' %segment) self.add_between_base(start) else: raise IOError('invalid GenBank feature segment positions: %s' %segment)
[docs] def set_complement(self): """ Place the feature on the complement strand. """ self._complement = True
[docs] def set_forward(self): """ Place the feature on the forward strand. This is the default. """ self._complement = False
[docs] def is_complement(self): """ ``True`` if the feature is on the complement strand. """ return self._complement
[docs] def as_order(self): """ Define the feature as an order instead of a range. """ self._range = False
[docs] def as_range(self): """ Define the feature as a range. This is the default. """ self._range = True
[docs] def is_range(self): """ ``True`` if the feature is a range. ``False`` if it is an order. """ return self._range
[docs] def shift(self, offset): """ Shift all positions. The argument can be positive or negative. """ self._pos = list(map(lambda x: [x[0]+offset, x[1]+offset], self._pos))
[docs] def add_single_base(self, position): """ Add a single-base segment to the feature. """ if not isinstance(position, int): raise TypeError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be of type int') if len(self._pos) and position<self._pos[-1][1]: raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') self._pos.append((position,position)) self._type += 'S' self._ends.append((False,False))
[docs] def add_between_base(self, position): """ Add a segment lying between two consecutive bases. The feature will be set between *position* and *position* + 1. If the feature is intended to be placed on the complement strand between positions, say, 1127 and 1128, one must use ``add_between_base(1127)`` in combination with :meth:``. """ if not isinstance(position, int): raise TypeError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be of type int') if len(self._pos) and position<self._pos[-1][1]: raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') self._pos.append((position,position+1)) self._type += 'B' self._ends.append((False,False))
[docs] def add_base_range(self, first, last, left_partial=False, right_partial=False): """ Add a base range to the feature. :param first: first position of the range. :param last: last position of the range (included). :param first_partial: specify that the real start of the segment is somewhere 5' of *first*. :param first_partial: specify that the real end of the segment is somewhere 3' of *last*. If the feature is intended to be placed on the complement strand between positions, say, 1127 and 1482, one must use ``add_base_range(1127,1482)`` in combination with :meth:``. """ if not isinstance(first, int) or not isinstance(last, int): raise TypeError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be of type int') if len(self._pos) and first<self._pos[-1][1]: raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') if (last<first): raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') self._pos.append((first,last)) self._type += 'R' self._ends.append(( bool(left_partial), bool(right_partial) ))
[docs] def add_base_choice(self, first, last, left_partial=False, right_partial=False): """ Segment corresponding to a single base in a given range. Arguments are identical to :meth:``. """ if not isinstance(first, int) or not isinstance(last, int): raise TypeError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be of type int') if len(self._pos) and first<self._pos[-1][1]: raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') if (last<first): raise ValueError('GenBankFeatureLocation positions must be entered in increasing order') if (first==last): raise ValueError('invalid use of GenBankFeatureLocation.add_base_choice: start=stop (use add_single_base instead)') self._pos.append((first,last)) self._type += 'C' self._ends.append(( bool(left_partial), bool(right_partial) ))
[docs] def rc(self, length): """ Reverse the feature positions. Positions are modified to be counted from the end. :param length: length of the complete sequence (required). """ self._complement = not self._complement self._pos = self._pos[::-1] self._ends = self._ends[::-1] self._type = self._type[::-1] for i in range(len(self._pos)): a,b = self._pos[i] self._pos[i] = (length-b-1, length-a-1) self._ends[i] = ( self._ends[i][1], self._ends[i][0] )
[docs]class GenBankFeature(object): """ Feature of a GenBank record. :class:`.io.GenBankFeature` instances must be only used along an :class:`.io.GenBank` instance. The constructor creates an empty instance (although a parent :class:`.io.GenBank` instance is required) and either :meth:`` or :meth:`` must be used subsequently. :param parent: an :class:`.io.GenBank` instance to which the feature should be attached. Note that ``str(feature)`` is equivalent to ``feature.format()``. """ def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent self._type = '' self._location = GenBankFeatureLocation() self._qualifiers = []
[docs] def get_type(self): """ Type of the instance. """ return self._type
[docs] def qualifiers(self): """ Dictionary with all qualifier values. This method cannot be used to change data within the instance. """ return dict(self._qualifiers)
[docs] def add_qualifier(self, key, value): """ Add a qualifier. """ self._qualifiers.append((key, value))
[docs] def update(self, feat_type, location, ** qualifiers): """ Update feature information. :param feat_type: a string identifying the feature type (such as ``"gene"``, ``"CDS"``, ``"misc_feature"``, etc.). All strings are acceppted. :param location: an :class:`.io.GenBankFeatureLocation` instance giving the feature's location. :param qualifiers: other qualifiers must be passed as keyword arguments. It is not allowed to use ``"type"`` as a qualifier keyword. """ if 'type' in qualifiers: raise ValueError('cannot use "type" as custom qualifier in `GenBankFeature`\'s constructor') self._qualifiers = [(i,qualifiers[i]) for i in qualifiers] self._location = location self._type = feat_type
[docs] def parse(self, string): """ Update feature information from a string. :param string: a GenBank-formatted string. """ try: self._type = string.split()[0] locstring = string.split()[1] string = string.split()[2:] except IndexError: raise IOError('invalid GenBank feature string') while len(string) and string[0][0]!='/': locstring += string.pop(0) qualifiers=string # now we have the feature's position in a genuine string (locstring) self._location = GenBankFeatureLocation(locstring) # and the rest of qualifiers in a list (qualifiers) self._qualifiers = [] if not len(qualifiers): return # fuses qualifiers where needed i=1 while i<len(qualifiers): if qualifiers[i][0]!='/' or '=' not in qualifiers[i]: qualifiers[i-1]+=' '+qualifiers[i] del qualifiers[i] else: i+=1 # processes the qualifiers for qualifier in qualifiers: if qualifier[0]!='/': raise IOError('invalid qualifier string: %s' %qualifier) try: pos = qualifier.index('=') except ValueError: raise IOError('invalid qualifier string: %s' %qualifier) key = qualifier[1:pos] value = qualifier[pos+1:] if key=='translation': value = ''.join(value.split()) self._qualifiers.append((key,value))
[docs] def get_sequence(self): """ Return the string corresponding to this feature. If the positions pass beyond the end of the parent's sequence, a :exc:`RuntimeError` (and not an :exc:`IndexError`) is raised. """ seq = '' for i,j in self._location: if j>len(self._parent): raise RuntimeError('GenBank feature exceeds sequence length') seq += self._parent._sequence[i:j+1] if self._location.is_complement(): return _seq_manip.rc(seq) else: return seq
[docs] def get_start(self): """ First position of the first segment. """ return self._location[0][0]
[docs] def get_stop(self): """ Stop position of the last segment. """ return self._location[-1][1]
[docs] def copy(self, genbank): """ Return a copy of the current instance. :param genbank: :class:`GenBank` instance to which the returned instance should be attached. """ feature = GenBankFeature(genbank) feature.update( self._type, self._location.copy(), **dict(self._qualifiers)) return feature
[docs] def shift(self, offset): """ Shift all positions. The argument can be positive or negative. """ self._location.shift(offset)
def __str__(self): return self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ GenBank-formatted string representing the feature. """ string = ' %s %s\n'%(self._type.ljust(15), str(self._location)) string = self._parent._wrap(string, 21) + '\n' for key, value in self._qualifiers: if '/' in value: if value[0]+value[-1]!='""' and value[0]+value[-1]!='\'\'': value = '"%s"' %value string+= self._parent._wrap(' /%s=%s' %(key,value), 21) string+= '\n' return string
[docs] def rc(self, length=None): """ Reverse-complement the feature. :param length: length of the complete sequence (by default, take the information directly from the parent). """ if length==None: length = len(self._parent) self._location.rc(length)
[docs]class GenBank(object): """ Process a GenBank-formatted DNA sequence record. :param fname: input file name. :param string: GenBank-formatted string. Only one of the two arguments *fname* and *string* can be non-``None``. If both are ``None``, the constructor generates an empty instance with a sequence of length 0. If *fname* is non-``None``, a GenBank record is read from the file with this name. If *string* is non-``None``, a GenBank record is read from this string. The following variables are read from the parsed input if present: *accession*, *definition*, *title*, *version*, *GI*, *keywords*, *source*, *references* (which is a list), *locus* and *others*. Their default value is ``None`` except for *references* and *others* for which default is an empty list. *source* is a (*description*, *species*, *taxonomy*) :class:`!tuple`. Each of *references* is a (*header*, *raw reference*) :class:`!tuple` and each of *others* is a (*key*, *raw*) :class:`!tuple`. In addition to methods documented below, the following operations are supported for ``gb`` if it is a :class:`.GenBank` instance: +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |Operation | Result | +====================+=================================================+ |``len(gb)`` | length of the sequence attached to this record | +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |``for feat in gb:`` | Iterate over :class:`.GenBankFeature` instances | | | of this record | +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |``str(gb)`` | GenBank representation of the record | +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, fname=None, string=None): self._sequence = '' self._features = [] self.accession = None self.definition = None self.title = None = None self.version = None self.GI = None self.source = (None,None,None) self.references = [] self.keywords = None self.others = [] if fname!=None and string!=None: raise ValueError('GenBank constructor expects at most one argument') stream = None if fname: stream = open(fname) if string: stream = StringIO(string) if stream: self._parse(stream)
[docs] def add_feature(self, feature): """ Add a feature to the instance. :param feature: an :class:`.io.GenBankFeature` instance. """ self._features.append(feature)
[docs] def number_of_features(self): """ Number of features contained in the instance. """ return len(self._features)
@property def sequence(self): """ Sequence string. Note that changing the record's string might invalidate the features (meaning that the setting an invalid sequence might cause the features to point to incorrect or out-of-bounds regions of the sequence). """ return self._sequence @sequence.setter def sequence(self, string): self._sequence = string def __iter__(self): for feature in self._features: yield feature
[docs] def extract(self, from_pos, to_pos): """ Extract a subset of the instance. :param from_pos: start position. :param to_pos: stop position (not included). :return: A new :class:`.io.GenBank` instance representing a subset of the current instance. All features that are completely included in the specified range are exported. """ if from_pos < 0 or to_pos>=len(self): raise ValueError('invalid positions for GenBank extraction') gb = GenBank() gb._sequence = self._sequence[from_pos:to_pos] for feature in self: if feature.get_start() >= from_pos and feature.get_stop() < to_pos: clone = feature.copy(gb) clone.shift(-from_pos) gb._features.append( clone ) return gb
def _parse(self, stream): # identifies blocks marked by a capitalized word at the very # beginning of the line, and send them to the dynamic parser key = None # current block key block = [] # block being read while True: line = stream.readline() if not len(line): break if line.strip()=='ORIGIN': match = re.match('(.+)()', line.strip()) else: match = re.match('^([A-Z]+) (.+)', line) if match: if key: self._parse_block(key, block) key = block = [ ] if key=='ORIGIN': break else: block.append(line) if key!='ORIGIN': raise IOError('GenBank records lacks sequence') self._parse_sequence(stream) def _parse_block(self, key, content): # alias "the dynamic parser". Processes the different GenBank # blocks appropriately def merge(items): return ' '.join([' '.join(i.split()) for i in items]) if key=='LOCUS': if len(content)>1: raise IOError('GenBank record exhibits an invalid LOCUS line') = content[0].strip() elif key=='DEFINITION': self.definition = merge(content) elif key=='ACCESSION': self.accession = merge(content) elif key=='VERSION': content = merge(content) match = re.match('([^ ]+) +GI\:(\d+)', content) if not match: raise IOError('incorrect VERSION/GI line in GenBank record') self.version = self.GI = elif key=='KEYWORDS': self.keywords = merge(content) elif key=='SOURCE': if len(content)<3: raise IOError('incorrect SOURCE section in GenBank record') else: source= content[0].strip() organism= content[1].strip() if organism[:8] != 'ORGANISM': raise IOError('incorrect SOURCE section in GenBank record') organism= organism[10:] taxonomy= merge(content[2:]) self.source = source, organism, taxonomy elif key=='REFERENCE': if len(content)<2: raise IOError('incorrect REFERENCE section in GenBank record') self.references.append((content[0].strip(), ''.join(content[1:]))) elif key=='FEATURES': self._parse_features(content[1:]) else: self.others.append(( key, content[0]+'\n'+''.join(content[1:]).rstrip() )) def _parse_features(self, lines): buff = '' for line in lines: # new feature if not re.match('^ {8}', line): if len(buff): feature = GenBankFeature(self) feature.parse(buff) self._features.append(feature) buff='' buff+=line if len(buff): feature = GenBankFeature(self) feature.parse(buff) self._features.append(feature) def _parse_sequence(self, stream): self._sequence = '' while True: line= stream.readline() if not len(line): raise IOError('GenBank sequence doesn\'t terminated appropriately') line=line.strip() match = re.match(' *[0-9]+ ([A-Za-z ]+)', line) if match: fragment = ''.join( self._sequence += fragment.upper() elif line=='//': break else: raise IOError('invalid sequence line in GenBank record (reproduced below)\n%s' %line) def __len__(self): return len(self._sequence)
[docs] def write(self, fname): """ Write the formatted record to a file. """ f = open(fname, 'w') try: self.write_stream(f) finally: f.close()
def __str__(self): return self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ String representation of the instance. """ stream = StringIO() self.write_stream(stream) return stream.getvalue()
[docs] def write_stream(self, stream): """ From the formatted record to a stream. :param stream: a file-compatible object. """ try: stream.write('LOCUS %s\n' except AttributeError: raise TypeError('`stream` must be a file-type object') if self.definition!=None: stream.write(self._wrap('DEFINITION %s' %self.definition, 12) + '\n') if self.accession!=None: stream.write('ACCESSION %s\n' %self.accession) if self.version!=None or self.GI!=None: stream.write('VERSION %s GI:%s\n' %(self.version, self.GI)) if self.keywords!=None: stream.write(self._wrap('KEYWORDS %s' %self.keywords, 12)+ '\n') if (self.source[0]!=None or self.source[1]!=None or self.source[2]!=None): stream.write(self._wrap('SOURCE %s' %str(self.source[0]), 12)+ '\n') if self.accession!=None: stream.write(self._wrap(' ORGANISM %s' %str(self.source[1]), 12)+ '\n') stream.write(self._wrap(' %s' %str(self.source[2]), 12)+ '\n') for reference in self.references: stream.write('REFERENCE %s\n%s' %reference) for other in self.others: # ignores "BASE COUNT" if other[0]=='BASE' and other[1].split()[0]=='COUNT': continue # otherwise writes stream.write('%s %s\n' %other) stream.write('FEATURES Location/Qualifiers\n') for feature in self: stream.write(feature.format()) stream.write('ORIGIN') if len(self) > 999999999: raise IOError('cannot export a GenBank instance with a sequence longest than 999999999 base pairs') c=0 while c<len(self._sequence): stream.write('\n' +str(c+1).rjust(9)) for i in range(6): stream.write(' '+self._sequence[c:c+10].lower()) c+=10 if c>=len(self._sequence): break stream.write('\n//\n')
_LINEWIDTH = 80 _MAXBREAK = 40 def _wrap(self, string, spacing): cache = ''.join([i for i in string]) space=0 comma=0 c=0 res = '' while c<len(cache): if cache[c]==' ': space=c if cache[c]==',': comma=c c+=1 if c==(self._LINEWIDTH-1): if c<len(cache) and cache[c]==' ': space = c if space>=self._MAXBREAK: res+=cache[:space] res+= '\n' cache = ''.join([' ']*spacing) + cache[space+1:] c=0 space=0 comma=0 elif comma>=self._MAXBREAK: res+=cache[:comma+1] res+= '\n' cache = ''.join([' ']*spacing) + cache[comma+1:] c=0 space=0 comma=0 else: res+=cache[:c] res+= '\n' cache = ''.join([' ']*spacing) + cache[c:] c=0 comma=0 space=0 res += cache return res.rstrip()
[docs] def rc(self): """ Reverse-complement the instance (in place). All features positions and the sequence will be reverted and applied to the complementary strand. The features will be sorted in increasing start position (after reverting). This method should be applied only on genuine nucleotide sequences. """ self._sequence= _seq_manip.rc(self._sequence) for feature in self: feature.rc(len(self)) self._features.sort(key=GenBankFeature.get_start)