Source code for egglib.coalesce._simulator

    Copyright 2015-2023 Stephane De Mita, Mathieu Siol

    This file is part of EggLib.

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import sys
from .. import eggwrapper as _eggwrapper, random
from .. import _interface, _tree, alphabets
from . import _param_helpers

[docs]class Simulator(object): """ Manager of the coalescent simulator. The constructor takes arguments controlling the demographic and mutation models used for simulation. Only the number of populations is required at the time of construction. Once it is set, it can be never modified. Other constructor arguments are all optional and can be set or modified later using the :attr:`.params` instance attribute (either using its :meth:`~.ParamDict.update` method or the ``[]`` operator, such as in ``simulator.params['theta'] = 2.85``. Keyword arguments are passed as is to :meth:`~.ParamDict.update`. List-based parameters can be set if all values are provided in a sequence. Matrix-based parameters cannot be set here. :param num_pop: number of populations. :param migr: migration rate. Other keyword arguments can be any of the parameters defined in the table below. +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |Parameter | Definition | Default | +=================+====================================+=================+ |``num_pop`` | Number of populations | None, required | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``num_sites`` | Number of sites | 0 (ISM) | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``num_mut`` | Fixed number of mutations | 0 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``theta`` | :math:`4N_0\mu` parameter | 0.0 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``recomb`` | :math:`4N_0c` parameter | 0.0 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``mut_model`` | Mutation model (among ``KAM``, | ``KAM`` | | | ``IAM``, ``SMM`` and ``TPM``) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``TPM_proba`` | Probability parameter of TPM | 0.5 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``TPM_param`` | Shape parameter of TPM | 0.5 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``num_alleles`` | Number of alleles for KAM | 2 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``rand_start`` | Pick start allele randomly | False | | | for KAM (boolean) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``num_chrom`` | Number of sampled chromosomes | 0 for all | | | (per population) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``num_indiv`` | Number of sampled individuals | 0 for all | | | (per population) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``N`` | Population size, expressed | 1.0 for all | | | relatively to :math:`N_0` | | | | (per population) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``G`` | Exponential growth/decline rate, | 0.0 for all | | | negative values mean decline | | | | (per population) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``s`` | Population selfing probability | 0.0 for all | | | (per population) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``site_pos`` | Site position, as values | Equally spread | | | between 0.0 and 1.0 | | | | (per site) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``site_weight`` | Site mutation weight, controlling | 1.0 for all | | | the relative probability of sites | | | | (per site) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``migr_matrix`` | Pairwise migration rate matrix | 0.0 for all | | | (the diagonal cannot be set) | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``trans_matrix`` | Matrix of transition weights | 1.0 for all | | | between pairs of alleles | | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``events`` | List of events added by the user | Empty | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ |``max_iter`` | Maximum number of iterations | 100,000 | +-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ The following table presents the categories of events that can be added to the ``events`` list using :meth:`~.EventList.add`. +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Event code | Description | Parameters | +==================+=========================+==================================+ |``size`` | Change population size | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``N`` -- new size | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``idx`` -- population index (2) | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``migr`` | Change all migration | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | rate +----------------------------------+ | | | ``M`` -- migration rate (all | | | | pairwise migration rates are | | | | set to ``M/(num_pop-1)``) | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``pair_migr`` | Change pairwise | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | migration rate +----------------------------------+ | | | ``M`` -- pairwise migration | | | | rate | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``src`` -- source population | | | | index | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``dst`` -- destination | | | | population index | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``growth`` | Change population | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | exponential +----------------------------------+ | | growth/decline rate | ``G`` -- new rate | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``idx`` -- population index (2) | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``selfing`` | Change population | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | self-fertilization +----------------------------------+ | | rate | ``s`` -- new rate | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``idx`` -- population index (2) | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``recombination`` | Change recombination | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | rate +----------------------------------+ | | | ``R`` -- new rate | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``bottleneck`` | Apply a bottleneck | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``S`` -- bottleneck strength (3) | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``idx`` -- population index (2) | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``admixture`` | Move lineages from one | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | population to another +----------------------------------+ | | | ``proba`` -- migration | | | | probability (in [0,1] range | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``src`` -- source population | | | | index | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``dst`` -- destination | | | | population index | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``merge`` | Merge a population to | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | another (take all +----------------------------------+ | | lineages from ``src``, | ``src`` -- source population | | | move them to ``dst``, | index | | | and remove ``src`` +----------------------------------+ | | | ``dst`` -- destination | | | | population index | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ |``sample`` | Perform a delayed | ``T`` -- date (1) | | | a some point in the +----------------------------------+ | | past in one of the | ``idx`` -- population index | | | populations | | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``label`` -- group label (4) | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``num_chrom`` -- number of | | | | sampled chromosomes | | | +----------------------------------+ | | | ``num_indiv`` -- number of | | | | sampled individuals | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ 1. Time is expressed in units of :math:`4N_0` generations. 2. If ``idx`` is omitted, the event is applied to all populations at once. 3. Bottleneck strength is expressed in time units. A bottleneck is implemented as a period of time during which coalescences are the only event allowed to occur. 4. The label of delayed sample can be set to the same value than the populations index (in this case, delayed samples will have the same label than normal samples from the same population), or to a different label, as the user's option. The parameters ``num_chrom``, ``num_indiv``, ``N``, ``G``, ``s``, ``site_pos``, and ``site_weight`` are represented by :class:`.ParamList` instances that behave like lists (except that their length cannot be changed). In particular, :class:`.ParamList` support subscript indexing and it can also be initialized by passing a sequence. The parameters ``migr_matrix`` and ``trans_matrix`` are represented by :class:`.ParamMatrix` instances that support a double-index subscript system to read/changes values (as in ``params['migr_matrix'][i,j]`` to access the value at row *i* and column *j*. Diagonal values are read as ``None`` and cannot be changed. Finally, ``events`` is represented by a :class:`.EventList` instance that exhibit limited list functionality and provides methods to add, read, and modify events. See this class for more information about out editing the list of events. """ def __init__(self, num_pop, migr=0.0, **kwargs): self._alphabet_unltd = alphabets.Alphabet('range', (-_eggwrapper.MAX_ALLELE_RANGE, _eggwrapper.MAX_ALLELE_RANGE+1), (0, 0), name='unlimited') self._alphabet_positive = alphabets.Alphabet('range', (0, _eggwrapper.MAX_ALLELE_RANGE), (0, 0), name='positive unlimited') self._alphabets_K = {} self._params = _param_helpers.ParamDict(num_pop) self._params.set_migr(migr) self._params.update(**kwargs) self._coalesce = _eggwrapper.Coalesce() self._align = _interface.Align._create_from_data_holder(, self._alphabet_unltd) @property def params(self): """ Simulation parameters of this instance. This object is a instance of :class:`.ParamDict`, which is a clone of :class:`dict` that does not let the users add or remove parameters, but lets them modify values of parameters (similarly, the number of items of per-population or per-site parameters cannot be modified). """ return self._params def _reset_align(self): self._align._ns = self._params._params.get_nsam() if self._params['mut_model'] == 'KAM': K = self._params['num_alleles'] if K not in self._alphabets_K: self._alphabets_K[K] = alphabets.Alphabet('int', range(K), [], name='KAM:{0}'.format(K)) alph = self._alphabets_K[K] elif self._params['mut_model'] == 'IAM': alph = self._alphabet_positive else: alph = self._alphabet_unltd self._align._alphabet = alph
[docs] def simul(self, dest=None): """ Perform a single simulation. The simulation is conditioned on the current value of parameters stored in :attr:`.params`. :param dest: An :class:`.Align` to reset using simulated data. All previous data will be lost. :return: A new :class:`.Align` instance containing the simulated data unless *dest* is specified (otherwise ``None``). .. note:: The method :meth:`.iter_simul` can be much more efficient. For performance-critical applications, its use is recommended. """ # run the simulation self._coalesce.simul(self._params._params, True) # reset the local align instance self._reset_align() # return a deep copy of the alignment if dest is None: return _interface.Align.create(_interface.Align._create_from_data_holder(, self._align._alphabet)) else: dest._reset_from_data_holder(
[docs] def iter_simul(self, nrepet, cs=None, dest_trees=None, **feed_params): """ Perform several simulations. Simulations are conditioned on the current value of parameters stored in :attr:`.params`. Return an iterator that will loop over the requested number of simulations. The simulated alignments are always available at each iteration loop as the instance attribute :attr:`.align`. By default, all iterations return a reference to this instance, but if *cs* is specified a dictionary of statistics is returned at each simulation. :param nrepet: number of simulations. If ``None``, iterate for ever (you are required to use ``break`` in loop with your own stopping criterion is reach). :param cs: :class:`.ComputeStats` instance properly configured to compute statistics from simulated data. If *cs* is specified, each iteration round will yield the dictionary of statistics obtained from :meth:`~.ComputeStats.process_align` called on this object. See also *cs_filter* and *cs_struct*. :param dest_trees: a :class:`list` in which simulated trees will be appended. Since each simulation can yield several trees (because of recombination), a new sub-list will be appended for each simulation, with one item for each tree. Each tree covered a defined region of the simulated chromosome, so each item of each sub-list will be ``(tree, start, stop)`` :class:`!tuple` with ``tree`` as a new :class:`.Tree` instance, and ``start`` and ``stop`` as the start and stop positions (real numbers comprised between 0 and 1). If recombination occurred, trees will not be sorted within their sub-list. If recombination did not occur, each simulation will be represented by a list with a single :class:`!tuple`. Any previously data contained in *dest_tree* is left untouched. :param feed_params: other arguments provide sequences of values for any parameter (except ``num_pop``), allowing to modify any set of parameters between simulations. All changes are permanent and affect any later simulation. All additional options must be in the ``key=value`` format, with have one of the parameters as ``key``, and a sequence of values as ``value``. All sequences must be of length at least equal to *nrepet*. If longer, additional values are ignored. For list-based parameters, each value must be a ``(index, value)`` tuple and, for matrix-based parameters, each value must be a ``(index1, index2, value)`` tuple. :return: An iterator, yielding a reference to :attr:`.align` if *cs* is ``None``, or otherwise a dictionary of computed statistics. """ # reset the local align instance self._reset_align() # safety checking for key, values in feed_params.items(): if key not in self._params._keys: raise ValueError('invalid parameter: `{0}`'.format(key)) if len(values) < nrepet: raise ValueError('not enough values provided for: `{0}`'.format(key)) # main loop i = 0 stop = -1 if nrepet is None else nrepet while i != nrepet: # set the provided params for key, values in feed_params.items(): value = values[i] self._params._set(key, value) # run the simulation self._coalesce.simul(self._params._params, False) # export tree if needed if dest_trees != None: dest_trees.append([ ( _tree.Tree._from_coalesce(self._coalesce, i, str), self._coalesce.tree_start(i), self._coalesce.tree_stop(i) ) for i in range(self._coalesce.number_of_trees()) ]) # mutate self._coalesce.mutate() # return what is requested if cs != None: yield cs.process_align(self._align) else: yield self._align i += 1 # reset object self._align.reset()
@property def align(self): """ An :class:`.Align` instance containing simulated data for the current iteration of :meth:`.iter_simul`. The data in this instance will be updated at each iteration round, and deleted at the end of the iteration. If it must be copied, a deep copy is required (typically with :meth:`.Align.create`). """ return self._align